The simple fact is we are living and working longer. Making provision for the future and retirement is vital. This has been helped by the introduction of Auto Enrolment, but put simply we all need to save more for retirement.

We can provide advice on the following areas:
Personal Pension Plans
Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPP)
Section 32 Buy Out Plans
Group Personal Pensions
Small self-administered schemes (SSAS)
The most suitable solution will depend upon your employment and tax status, but we can assist you and your Accountant, if necessary, with finding the right solution.
Retirement Options
Pension's freedom introduced in April 2015 allowed significantly greater freedom when drawing your pension funds after age 55.
The majority of people have various pension 'pots' built up during their working life, this is normal. These can normally be amalgamated at retirement into one pot if this is the most appropriate thing to do. You may have guarantees within some plans which may need to be protected. You may have a Final Salary Scheme which offers valuable guaranteed benefits. We can discuss and consider all these factors.
How much income do you require?
What effect will inflation have?
Do you need flexibility?
Do you need a lump sum?
Do you need income now or later?
In the majority of cases the maximum tax-free lump sum available is 25%, however some policies have tax free cash protected and it is important to check this before making any decisions.
Some of the options available at retirement are as follows,
Income drawdown (unsecured income)
Conventional annuity
Enhanced annuity (medically enhanced)
Annuity/Drawdown combination products
Fixed term annuities
Capital protected annuities.

Your smoking status and medical health will have a bearing on annuity rates and is therefore important when assessing options.
We undertake a significant amount of retirement option advice so please contact us to review your situation. We normally offer the initial meeting at no cost to assess your requirements.
Accessing pension benefits early may impact on levels of retirement income and is not suitable for everyone. You should seek advice to understand your options at retirement.